Friday, February 4, 2011

Ubuntu Application

I would like to document several apps that, I believe, are very useful as follows. Though there are many choices in WWW. The followings are really handy ones.

Programming Tools:
  • WingIDE (Python)
  • IntelliJ IDEA (Java)
  • Eclipse (C++/Java)
  • Rabbit VCS (Version Control)

  • Mendeley
  • Stardict (Dictionary)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Brightness Control on T410 (T410s)

I find the brightness control seems to be not working after installing ubuntu 10.04 on my Thinkpad T410s.

Here are two solutions:

(1) Switch to console (CTRL+ALT+F2) and adjust the brightness. Then switch back to GNOME (CTRL+ALT+F7)

(2) Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Under the "DEVICE" section, add the following OPTION
Option "RegistryDwords" "EnableBrightnessControl=1"

Done! Enjoy it!